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Official Kick-Off!
Feb 20, 2023
Location: Boys & Girls Club
"Seidman Center"
139 Crofton St SE
Grand Rapids, MI 49507
We are kicking things off partnering with The Boys & Girls Club of Grand Rapids. Youths (6th Grade-12th Grade) interested in being part of a 6 week program meeting each Monday evening for 1.5 hours should contact us via our website or email info@brothersofallraces.com.
We will plan on discussions to make tomorrow a better world bringing unity and bridging the gap between communities that may not have the opportunity to meet others who do not look like them, different regions and social economic backgrounds, we plan on including tours of local businesses (who are supporting our cause) to introduce youths to new career paths, guest speakers, planning ideas for future field trips and more.
This is a great opportunity to be part of something big! It will look great on a resume in the future, impress colleges/universities when applying and a chance to tell others that you are making a difference and changing the way others might think and learn a little about seeing the world through others eyes.
We are looking forward to seeing you soon!